
This class offers a formal introduction to modern physics. Students will spend about half their time on special relativity an the other half on quantum mechanics. Both of which are particularly non-intuitive when first encountered, which is why we take our time to get to our heads around the material. Class time is spent mostly solving problems, with students required to read ahead of class be come to class ready to get to work! The mathematical requirement isn't too strict, with relativity needing little apart from the odd integral, and the mathematics of quantum mechanics rearing its head in PHYS150+151 in later years.


This class will meet twice a week over a the Fall semester. We followed the textbook Six Ideas that Changed Physics (Q and R) by Moore.

A copy of the most recent course syllabus can be found here.

Class slides

PDFs of the most recently completd semester's lecture slides can be found in the PHSY106 folder at this url.

Part 1: Basics of relativity

Part 2: Relativistic effects

Part 3: Relativistic kinematics

Part 4: Relativistic dynamics

Part 5: Wave-particle duality

Part 6: Quantum mechanics

Part 7: The wavefunction

Part 8: Nuclear physics